2024-11-10 Input Remapping

Published: Sun 10 November 2024
By Ibb

In MorCol.

Ever since the early-access version of Starbound, I've promised myself that if I make a game, one of the first things I'll implement is input-remapping. Well, I finally did that! Remarkably, the hardest part was figuring out how to persist and restore mappings between sessions. Godot has no way to do that reasonably without pickling (not a good option for user config files), so I had to manually stringify and parse-from-string the inputs.

The visuals aren't particularly good, and the UX (specifically the modal that pops up) could use some work, but I'm overall happy with how it turned out.

I also began some work on the weapon-holstering. There are no relevant animations yet, or limits on running when unholstered, but you can press H (or whatever you bind it to!) to holster/unholster the "shield" weapons. Next task will probably be implementing the animations and limiting the running.

To reduce complexity, I'm probably going to remove one of the running animations and just continue tweaking the other until it feels right.

No image this time, as there's no exciting visual.
